Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Please Send Me Tupperware!

Apparently while we were away this weekend we had a little visitor in our pantry who chewed through several of our packages of pasta (now discarded) and also snagged a Hershey's Kiss (?!) and left tiny, gross um... evidences of its visit everywhere (also now discarded) (and scrubbed) (and sanitized). Ew! Husbandguy has been tagged to get rid of our freeloader. I probably ought to care how he does it, but really I only want to know if I need to keep my kids away from anything and beyond that he's got free reign. I would now like to repackage everything left in the pantry that is untainted before we are visited again. So if you would, please send me canisters, cereal thingies, whatever, as long as it has a tight seal. Overnight, if you can spare the expense.


Princess Sparkle Pants said...

Put everything in the fridge. I'm serious. Even cereal. Jeez, I hope this was a mouse and not something worse.

bel said...

That's a good idea, but we don't have room in our fridge for everything in our pantry!

Princess Sparkle Pants said...

Oooh- I meant, everything except things in cans. And Tupperware does have an excellent product line for pantries. I have it. I spent about $100 on it a long time ago, but it seems to have paid off.

bel said...

Still not enough room...

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