Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Called the Nurse

I called the nurse. She thinks it's actually oral thrush with a virus too. I'm not sure I agree because of the blister and fever and pain, but Lulu won't let me look in her mouth much, and what I saw when I was holding her down and she was screaming apparently sounded to the nurse like thrush. I don't know. I'm going to call HG.


Princess Sparkle Pants said...

Beanie had thrush and there were no blisters; little bitty sores, but mostly it was the white that gave it away. Doesn't sound the same at all to me. Of course, I didn't hear her screaming, so maybe my viewpoint is not fully informed...

bel said...

Now I think it's herpangina (which isn't herpes, in spite of the similar name). It's related to the HFMD virus. It doesn't look anything like the cottage cheesy patches of thrush in the pictures I've found.

Unfortunately, either way, we just have to wait it out...

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