Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Housework Really IS Hazardous

For real! The other day, when Husbandguy hurt himself, he was vacuuming. And just now, when I was vacuuming (in another room - we're not that clean), I totally ran over my own toe, the same one DH hurt. Except mine just really hurt and made me spend the next 15 minutes wincing at the thought of what could have happened and wasn't so bad that I'm going to have to cut a hole in an old pair of sneakers just so I can wear shoes like DH. But still. What's up with all the Extreme Vacuuming injuries at our house?! If the carpet wasn't new, I'd suggest to DH that we just give it up all together.


Princess Sparkle Pants said...

I think, maybe, it is time to consider a new vacuum. Maybe one of those built-in models where you just pull the hose out of the wall. Thoughts?

bel said...

It is a new vacuum!

bel said...

But if someone gives us a Roomba, I might consider retiring the demon vacuum.

Princess Sparkle Pants said...

Sigh... I would LOVE to have a Roomba...

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