Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lists Lists and More Lists

I think I have a problem. Admitting it is the first step toward recovery, right? I am a list-maker. I make lists for everything, the obvious stuff like for shopping and who to send Christmas cards to, but also other unnecessary or excessive things that I should probably remember, like things to pack after I use them in the morning when we're going away for the weekend, like my toothbrush (duh!). The other day, though, I was cleaning in my closet and I came across a little notebook that had lists in it. It was full of them, in fact, full of lists about things pertaining to Lulu's birth, like things to pack for the hospital (PJs, toothbrush, slippers, etc.) and what we still needed for bringing her home (bathtub, diapers, etc.). The first list in the notebook, though, (and this is why I think maybe I have a problem) was a list of lists to make!


Anonymous said...

How many lists on the list of lists had you checked off?

bel said...

Oh, they were all there.

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