Friday, January 11, 2008

More Annual Review Stuff

I'm Super Mom, I think. The other moms at Pete's school just think I'm nuts, but they're wrong. I'm Super Mom.

On Wednesday, Husbandguy and I went to Pete's school for her birthday ceremony and lunch. The Montessori birthday ceremony involves the birthday child holding a globe walking around a candle, which represents the sun, as many years as they have been alive. This signifies the child's journey on the earth from birth to today. Get it? It's neat. While she circles the candle, someone is supposed to talk about the things that happened in each of the years, and if her parents are there, they're supposed to do the talking. But I'm a sap. I blame Moomie (she's okay with that) because she was a sap first. Because I am so sensitive (I think it's called having high empathy), I wouldn't be able to narrate Pete's life without crying. So I wrote it all down for Husbandguy, who graciously read it. He would prefer I talk, but since he could read it and not have to remember (which is hard - I don't fault him - I had to look at pictures to remember everything) on the spot, he did it. And I also made a poster timeline of Pete's life. It started in the middle with a picture of her in the hospital when she was born and spiralled out with gradually older pictures of her, ending with one of her at her grandparent party last weekend. I'm pretty proud of it. I'm going to turn it into a scrapbook when she brings it home. Does that seem like a lot of work for a little 20 minute ceremony? Tony's mom thought so when I ran into her on Wednesday. But it's what I, Super Mom, do!

So her tea party is next weekend. We've heard from 4/7 of our invitees that they're coming so it should be a nice little party. But my Pete, who has very sophisticated tastes since we've always made her try everything, asked me to make a dark chocolate truffle torte with raspberry filling for her cake. (!!) What other little 6 year-old girl would ask for that?! I won't go on. We all know she is exceptional. She asked me to make it, though, FROM SCRATCH, which is what I'm doing right now. The layers just came out of the oven and are cooling. This is the easy part. I can bake a cake. It's the decorating that will get me... Being Super Mom, I know that I can run to the grocery store and buy a pretty chocolate truffle torte (no raspberries, though) if this one turns out ugly. I checked this morning. You might say that Super Mom should be so confident in her abilities as a super mom that she wouldn't need a back-up cake. But I say that Super Mom knows she's not infallible...

So now I'm going to go play hide-the-mess. Hopefully no one will look in our closets when they're here tomorrow.

Happy birthday, Pete! It's all for you!!

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