Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What to Say... What to Say...

Yeah. I got nothing. I used to do "Pete Says:" on Tuesday, but she's been sick and hasn't said much of anything recently. This morning she reminded me that one of Lulu's boots was in her (Pete's) room without being asked, which I had forgotten. That was helpful...

My resignation from the PTA has been accepted by both the President and VP. I think I've made it clear that I still want to help but someone else is going to have to do all the planning, etc. And I'm pushing for a new committee that I think I would be a good leader for. Even if it was just me on the committee. They haven't told me what they think, though. I have lots of good ideas. Maybe I'll write a formal proposal...

Oh and also, I totally left this house this morning without my wallet or my phone. It worked out okay, though, as I was only going for coffee with some moms and a dad and the principal and didn't have any trouble between here and there. This coffee was for the parents from Pete's class, but the principal does one every month for a different class and I get to be the hostess at all of them. It's cool. That's a job I'm keeping from the PTA. I might even do it next year if they'll let me.

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