Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Piano Lesson

Waiting room.
I chose the couch
With the view of the bench
And your back when you play.
I brought a book
Apparently just to hold in my lap.

I know all of these pieces
But at home
You fly through them
In a race with the timer,
In a hurry to do
Anything else.

Your body blocks your hands.
I see the music in your shoulders
And your back.
I want to sit next to you,
Watching your fingers or
Playing Secondo.

When it stops,
When you stop playing,
My 7 year-old reappears -
Self-conscious, uncertain, awkward.
"Um... I don't know."

If only you could be
Always confident, proud, graceful,
Always playing the piano.

I like this place.

April is National Poetry Month so, in honor of that, several other writers and I are posting a poem-a-day for the whole month. If you decide to post a poem too, let me know and I'll post a link so we can all read it.


Mommy T said...

I wish I could see her play too. Maybe next time we go to ATL I can let you know and we could meet up. When we go we aren't far from your/our family at all.

septembermom said...

Lovely poem about a special time in a young musician's life!

The Grandpa said...

I remember taking someone to piano lessons. It was magical. Just like your poem.

45+ and Aspiring said...

This is lovely. I love it.

Hugs all around to all the piano players.

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