Sunday, November 16, 2008


Yesterday, Pete graciously unwittingly gave a bunch of toys and books that she has outgrown to her sister. When I cleaned her room.


My family, at least a large part of it, has decided that Christmas is only for children and that the grown-ups don't need gifts. I understand this - it's easier, less expensive, blah, blah, blah - but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it. Honestly, I like to get presents. I also like to give them. There is joy in either action. But I'm fine with it, I suppose. I wouldn't mind too much if Husbandguy's family ever gave me anything. Christmas with them for me is like watching someone else's family open gifts. I know I'm whining. It just sucks that I have to twist Moomie's arm to convince her to let me give them a fruitcake.


Anonymous said... has the best fruitcake ever. Just a hint. ha ha

Maria Rose said...

My family decided to do Christmas a bit differently once it grew quite large. The immediate family would give gifts. Then to all extended family there would be one relatively inexpensive gift (board game, movie tickets, etc.).

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