Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pet Peeve

I have a bunch of pet peeves, but just recently I was reminded of one, and I need to express it to you.

Why do people use Word to build a file that entirely consists of tables? Like a school directory. It is so much easier to build the silly thing in Excel! Tables in Word are for if you have a text document and need to insert a table in the midst somewhere (and even then it's easier to build it in Excel and paste it into Word, but I don't really care about that - I'm just stating a fact).

Like I said, just one of many pet peeves.


Princess Sparkle Pants said...

I KNOW! And for a directory, I would even go so far as to suggest people might want to use Access and pull reports. Technology is available for your needs, people!

bel said...

You're right about that, PSP. Escept the PTA doesn't have access to Access. But if we did, I'd be the queen of all things cool!

Anonymous said...

I have a co-worker who insists on using word for tables. I agree. Very annoying!

bel said...

Isn't it though, NHB!

CandCFamily said...


bel said...

Thank you, C&C!

(I had to look up ITA...)

Tigriswillreign said...

Totally same pet peeve! Glad someone finally put it out there.

(How come no one's sharing on this ITA thing?!)

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