Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Kind of Image that Warms the Heart

Except, for me? It's got me reconsidering Lulu's preschool. I knew all along that it is a church preschool and that they have bible stories and "Jesus Loves Me" once a month, but just now, I was playing with Lulu and she pressed her little palms together and sang a song I had not heard before. It had phrases like "god, our father" and "thank you for our blessings" and "ahhmehhn, ahhmehhn." It sounded a lot like grace...

More on this later...


1 comment:

Princess Sparkle Pants said...

Hmm... much as I want to get your back (and I do), I kind of thing you should expect this from a Christian preschool, hunh, maybe, right? And, I think it is pretty cute, even though you aren't into it... I have to tell you that PH kissed the baby Jesus in one of his kid bibles (yes, he has multiple. we are fanatics) and says Jesus and folds his hands to pray and such. I wouldn't make a big to do about it unless she starts telling random people, "bless you my child"... or unless they make her sing "This little light of mine" before they will let her have her lunch (that is a true thing that happened to me and my brother- no wonder we are warped- that lady "fired" us when we did a strip-tease in her presence. pretty sure she thought we were devils' spawn)...

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