Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Wonder If This Will Work

Earlier I made granola. Turns out it's really easy. I altered the recipe a little bit because it called for stick margarine and I don't buy that anymore because of the trans fat so I used the heart-healthy spreadable kind instead. And also I didn't have enough honey (I thought) so I used maple syrup and raw sugar. It's really good. I had to put it in a Tupperware thing so I didn't eat it all before Pete gets home. Then, while I was picking up Lulu, I was thinking about these Cheerios we have on hand and how no one is eating them for some reason and I wondered if, since they're made from oats, could I make them into granola too? You know, Cheernola. Or granrios.... Graneerios (<-that's the one!). But I used up all the maple syrup on the first batch of real granola so I had to find something else to use instead, and in the back of our pantry was this jar of fancy honey that we've had forever and that wasn't even open and it was exactly the amount I needed so I used that. They looked weird in the oven, the graneerios, got all bubbly and stuff, and when I took them out, it looked like maybe the little O's had actually shrunk up some. They smell good. But I have to wait until they cool to see if I've just wasted our breakfast cereal. That no one was eating anyway. I'll let you know...


bel said...

So you know: It's more like candy than granola. Cheeandy. Husbandguy won't eat it. Pete will, especially if I cover it in dark chocolate. I probably won't make it again.

Anonymous said...

Dark chocolate sounds like a plan. Or you could just eat the chocolate.

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