Tuesday, November 16, 2010


NaNo word count: 26,033. I'm a little behind the NaNo suggested word count and quite a bit behind where I'd like to be, but I'm on track and can totally get caught up. Apparently I'm not good at writing from beginning to end because today I had an idea about how to add some conflict to my first Tallulah story so I just started writing that one again. The second one is completely tension free, too, which is why I flaked out, I think, but hopefully my brain is working on that behind my back and will surprise me with an awesome tension-filled gift of an idea. Come on, brain! I love surprises!! Please don't make me wait until Christmas.


Shannon said...

I think you're doing great! Just keep swimming! You can do it!

septembermom said...

That idea is right around the corner :) Listen to some music. For some reason, it always gets my Muse going!

Edie Mindell said...

I agree. Music will set your brain into working mode.:-) Just hang in there. You are doing great.:-)

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