Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This was supposed to be our first week of real summer vacation. Pete got out of school last Thursday, and despite my whining, I was actually looking forward to having her around all the time. I had planned several fun things for this week. And I'm ready to start her little summer job (the Frog and Fox Project).

But, alas, it is not to be. This week. Nana and Poppop were here last weekend to work on the fence and celebrate Lulu's birthday with us again (I'll post separately about that because it's worthy of its own space, I think), and they took Pete home with them for the week. She's only been gone one day, literally about 24 hours because they left yesterday morning and Lulu and I went out to breakfast with them before they got on the road, and I miss her already, which is weird because I'm used to her not being around during the day so it's not that much different.

But it is. It's different from how I envisioned it would be. sigh...

But she'll be home next week and we can do all the fun stuff then. And Lulu and I can do some of it by ourselves while we wait for Pete to come home. So it's okay.

Next year she wants to go to sleep-away camp. Um...

1 comment:

Aimee said...

For a whole WEEK??? I can't believe your kid is only a year older than mine...I can't imagine her going off for a whole week...maybe when she is 20 or so..... (Of course I'm speaking of the child who recently informed me that she wanted to "homeschool through graduate school!" Yeah...not sure how that will work!)

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